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90 Day Transformation and Intuitive Activation Process 2024

Mon, Apr 22


Online via Zoom

Transform and activate you energy body during a truly unique and intensive 90 day journey.

Registration available via the "Book Now - Private Sessions" link up above
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90 Day Transformation and Intuitive Activation Process 2024
90 Day Transformation and Intuitive Activation Process 2024

Time & Location

Apr 22, 2024, 9:00 AM EDT – Jul 22, 2024, 9:00 AM EDT

Online via Zoom

About The Event

Congratulations! Chances are if you have discovered this listing - whether on purpose or by accident, there is a great change occurring within your consciousness. You've probably noticed over the past few years how you have been drawn to more of the esoteric, mystical, and energetic mysteries of life. You've noticed how your inner dialogue has changed - your sensitivities to technology, environments, and other people have grown deeper and more intense. Sometimes you find yourself receiving strange signals...or "knowings" when you are around might even perceive these things within your mind's eye at times and most surely have told yourself - "that's not real, I'm probably making this up".

Maybe you've been drawn to processes of spiritual or energetic healing, you long to understand it but maybe dont get why so many people seem to be feeling something that you just cant grab onto. Your dreams have changed. Your desires have changed. Your relationships no longer seem fulfilling as they once were and you are starting to wonder if there really is something more to've changed so much over the past few years but you still feel there is something under the surface - something buried deeply within you. Something that the world needs now more than ever... 

Maybe you're not crazy, you're psychic. But is that even possible? YES. You are living in a time on Earth in which the natural human ability of enhanced intuition is available to all who choose to truly devote themselves to developing the nonphysical aspects of self - I am a living example of this process and if there has ever been one thing I have done right in this life it was the process of truly transforming my energy, my identity, and my path on Earth into one of the full time psychic, seer, and professional energy practitioner. After nearly 8 years and thousands of people seen from all over the world we now enter the next phase of true intuitive education and energy body activation.

6 People. 90 Days. One of the most unique and intensive processes of psychic and energetic transformation you will go through in this life. 

The mission - To assist those ready in reaching a new level of personal transformation and intuitive awareness. We will work with energy centers, meridians, and organ resonance to help you clear years of emotional and energetic baggage from the body. You will learn to interface with your guides and even begin a path of divination with multidimensional tarot. Here's how we'll do it:

90 Day Transformation - Start date: April 22, 2024 thru July 22, 2024

3 private 1.5 hour deep energy clearing sessions with Matthew - Once per month, 3x over 90 days.

12 weekly Qigong and physical energy body clearing group sessions - we will be moving, sweating, and releasing more energy than you have in years.

1 Full Natal Astrology Chart reading with Annora - excellent for charting your path ahead.

12 weekly group Q&A's and silent meditation - This is where the real magic happens for alot of us.

3 Prerecorded classes with over 60 hours of instruction - Chakras, Meridian Body, and Multidimensional Tarot for you to immerse yourself in and then discuss in our weekly meeting.

*For those who sign up and pay in full before March 21st you will receive one free additional private session with Matthew prior to our official start date to set the foundation for your journey. ($214 value)

Please understand this is not some vanilla "love and light" new age surface level online social experience - and I say this with love and respect - you will be pushed, you will be tested, you will feel old wounds rise up once again as you purge the deep inner layers of hurt and disharmony within you and you will come out on the other side in a whole new form, with a greater understanding of who you are and why you came here, what you're good at when it comes to energy work, and where to focus your efforts as you go forward on the rest of your journey. 

This is our 4th group process of dedicated energy body activation and psychic training. We have learned alot since I started teaching this in 2019 - what works, what doesnt, how to open pathways, what to do when things don't flow right, and the myriad of ways in which this can be different for each of us so keep in mind this is not a one size fits all process and YOU will be the deciding factor.

Can you commit to showing up at least once per week for up to 2.5 hours? Are you willing to take part in self study via the prerecorded courses? Are you willing to actually get up and move your body while learning to do energy work on yourself? Do you have the determination to truly face the emotional wounds and faulty social programming you have adopted that keeps you stuck in place of powerlessness and lack of intuitive awareness? Do you truly believe there is something more for you in this life and are willing to try a whole new approach to figuring this out? 

I realize for many of us the answer is often yes on some level but it's always up to how much...right? The total cost of this journey with everything you see above is $1600. For those who can pay in full by March 21st you will receive a free private session in the days prior to our official program start to help set the stage for what you'll be experiencing. For those who desire to make payments you can do so in 2 payments of $800, 4 payments of $400, or 8 payments of $200. Be aware that there are no refunds, but you can stop at any time and since everything we do is recorded you will receive a video record of every single interaction we have - that way if anything is missed you can always come back to this later. 

We will be doing a brief screening process with each applicant as there are only 6 spaces for this experience. We are keeping this small intentionally so you can receive a different amount of focus and attention to your process. You will be a part of a very small, highly specialized team of individuals who have chosen to spend 90 days in a process of transformation that you will never forget. I say this alot but its literally true - After this process you will not be the same.

HOW TO REQUEST REGISTRATION: Click the "Book Online - Private Sessions" link at the top of the site. From there you will see the listing at the top, click that and set up a time for your screening appointment which will take approximately 15 minutes. I will inform you within 48 hours if you are accepted. If for some reason you cant find it just copy/paste this link into your browser:

Please email me with any questions and I look forward to seeing those of you who are summoned by Spirit for this truly unique experience.



  • 90 Day Energy Body Activation

    Go to "Book Online - Private Sessions" to request your spot.

    Sale ended



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